7 Key Differences Between RightCapital and eMoney in 2024

20 Jun 2024

Chart from August 2023 Kitces Report showing RightCapital with higher ratings in the majority of categories than eMoney

We understand that making a decision about which financial planning software is right for your practice is a big one. eMoney and RightCapital are both leaders in the financial planning software category. Let’s dig into what makes them different. (Trying to decide between RightCapital and MoneyGuidePro? This post may help.)

RightCapital vs. eMoney cost

RightCapital’s retail pricing is found on our website’s pricing page.

While eMoney Advisor does not publish costs on their website, here’s what we know about their retail pricing from industry sources:

A chart showing the yearly cost of RightCapital Premium ($2160) vs. eMoney Pro ($3780) and eMoney Premier ($4728). Also shown is the 9.1 advisor satisfaction rating and advisor value rating of RightCapital, higher than those of eMoney.

eMoney charges extra for these features that come with all subscriptions of RightCapital:

  • Goal-based planning (not included with eMoney Pro)

  • Marketing campaign resources

  • Advisor-branded client education materials

  • Additional training 

RightCapital vs. eMoney functionality

eMoney has been around for more than two decades and RightCapital is a newer entrant in the space founded in 2015. As a result, it took a few years for RightCapital to achieve feature parity with eMoney. But today, RightCapital offers advisors many modules and features not found within eMoney, such as:

RightCapital vs. eMoney advisor satisfaction ratings

The Kitces Report from August 2023 reveals that RightCapital's overall user satisfaction score witnessed an increase to 9.1 out of 10, a significant increase from 8.6 in 2021. This surpasses eMoney's rating of 8.4 out of 10, which remains unchanged from the previous survey.

Chart from August 2023 Kitces Report showing RightCapital with growing satisfaction and market share compared to eMoney and MoneyGuidePro

RightCapital also achieved a higher advisor rating than eMoney in 10 of the 13 sub-categories, including standouts where RightCapital was the highest of all the platforms included the survey:

RightCapital received top rankings on 4 attributes: plan methodology (RightCapital can model both goals-based or cash-flow-based plans), Monte Carlo simulations, ongoing advice engagement (highlighted by RightCapital’s recent Blueprint and Snapshot tools), and customer support.

Chart from August 2023 Kitces Report showing RightCapital with higher ratings in the majority of categories than eMoney

The January 2024 T3/Inside Information Advisor Software Survey also revealed that RightCapital (with an average 8.46/10 user rating) was the highest rated software, as it was in the 2022 and 2023 surveys:

T3/Inside Information Advisor Software Survey ratings for financial planning software
At the time this article was written, G2 ratings for RightCapital were 4.6 out of 5 compared to G2 ratings for eMoney of 4.4 out of 5. G2 reviewers gave RightCapital higher marks for “Ease of Use” and “Quality of Support”, similar to the feedback we saw in the Kitces advisor survey. 

RightCapital vs. eMoney getting started

The most common feedback we hear from advisors transitioning from eMoney to RightCapital is how easy it is to get started with RightCapital.

According to advisors we spoke with, it can take three to six months to get completely up to speed with eMoney. One G2 review for eMoney illustrates this point, “With so many options it can be overwhelming.”

The Kitces Report from August 2023, “The Technology That Independent Financial Advisors Actually Use And Like” notes how eMoney is “incredibly in-depth" but at the expense of simplicity:

eMoney, second to RightCapital in overall satisfaction, received top ratings on 3 other specific attributes: comprehensiveness, depth of analysis, and interactivity, speaking to its overall reputation for being incredibly in-depth (albeit at a ‘cost’ of simplicity, where eMoney ranked second-to-last behind only NaviPlan).

It usually takes advisors less than a month to feel comfortable working with RightCapital. If you indicate to your dedicated onboarding specialist that you’re not feeling totally comfortable with the system, they will schedule follow-up calls to get you well on your way. All RightCapital training is totally free.

RightCapital vs. eMoney user experience

As the Kitces Report noted, RightCapital leads eMoney in terms of satisfaction rating for Ease of Use, Simplicity, Visuals, and Reporting Output. Advisors often share on social media how much they love our intuitive visuals and design:

Tweet from an advisor saying RightCapital is the first software "I can actually run live with a client. Visuals are 100"

Watch this case study to hear how one advisor was particularly impressed with our aesthetically pleasing interface and the ability to provide a one-page Snapshot. Another advisor has noted, “It’s pretty remarkable how RightCapital found a way to take all this information and communicate it in a way that’s intuitive, aesthetic, and clean, and in some ways, higher-tech than a lot of the other platforms, while still feeling simple and approachable.” In this blog post, an advisor discusses her switch to RightCapital from eMoney, highlighting the visual appeal and client engagement, while also noting that what she missed about eMoney was more for the advisor than the end-clients.

Not surprisingly, this advisor pointed out how design and user experience don’t seem to be eMoney’s core strength:

Tweet saying, "Hey eMoney, 1998 called. They want their plan summary template back."

RightCapital vs. eMoney client support

Social media posts about how much financial advisors love the support team at RightCapital’s financial planning software

Here is what eMoney Advisor reported about their client support team on their website:

  • 170% more live support than other providers

  • Average response time under 1 minute

  • Overall support rating 96% “awesome or good”

Here are some stats about the RightCapital support team:

  • Median inbound answer time under 60 seconds

  • 98% satisfaction rate

However, the most recent Kitces survey from Aug 2023 showed that advisors rated RightCapital’s customer support experience much higher (9.0/10) than that of eMoney (8.2/10). 

One user on G2 noted they liked best about RightCapital, “The immediate help we can get from the support team when we are stuck on how to model something. It's especially helpful because we like to create and update financial plans interactively with our clients and the quick solutions keep everyone engaged.”

RightCapital vs. eMoney product updates

RightCapital is well-known in the industry for continuous enhancements (see a summary of our 2023 and Q1 2024 updates) and attention to what advisors are looking for. On RightCapital’s G2 page, one user mentioned, “...if they don’t have a feature you ask for, they forward all requests to their developers.” 

Advisors have openly complained about eMoney’s slow response to product enhancements:  Even eMoney’s original founder Edmond Falters told Citywire that “The product hasn’t gotten anywhere…they’re a Betamax.”

On the flip side, RightCapital moves fast. For example, we introduced updates to account for changes in a plan with the passing of SECURE 2.0, just days after the legislation was signed into law:

Tweet from Michael Kitces about the RightCapital SECURE 2.0 changes

RightCapital’s personalized plan summary, Snapshot, was introduced in April of 2022, giving advisors a “one-page” plan that they could customize for their clients. eMoney followed with their own personalized plan summary 16 months later. 

Tweets showing a RightCapital Snapshot screenshot and advisors responding for eMoney to take note and one saying "I second this one. eMoney has been falling behind on real updates for a long time now."

In the end, you can try RightCapital and see it for yourself. We encourage you to sign up for a personalized 1:1 20-minute demo with a member of our team to gain access to a 14-day free trial.